United in Spirit

Jul 14, 2024

I  United in Spirit changes lifestyles (v. 16)

II  United in Spirit guarantees victory (v. 17a)

III United in Victory recognizes warfare (v. 17b)

IV  United in Spirit sharpens discernment (v. 18)

V  Lack of Spiritual insight destroys fellowship and oneness (vv. 19-21)

VI  Fruit of the Spirit spreads mutual care (vv. 22-23)

VII United in Spirit secures an obedient relationship (vv. 24-26)

Here are the life lessons for you to consider:

Live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit rather than following selfish desires. 

  Example: Instead of giving in to anger and arguing, choose to respond with patience and understanding in a heated situation.

Steer clear of fleshly behaviors that are harmful and sinful.

  Example: Refrain from gossiping about a colleague at work, even when others are doing it.

Cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit. Develop virtues like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

  Example: Show kindness by helping a neighbor with their groceries or offering a listening ear to a friend in distress.

Live in Harmony. Strive for unity and avoid envy, jealousy, and conflict. 

  Example: Celebrate the achievements of others without feeling envious, and work towards resolving disputes peacefully.