Student Ministries

Our Student Ministries include both middle school and high school groups.

Club JAM is the name of the Middle School Ministry for grades 6-8. Our focus is to challenge students to make their faith their own by concentrating on a daily walk with God. Club JAM meets on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30pm. A typical night at Club JAM is spent building up our relationship with God and each other through teaching, small groups, and game time.

Club ROCK is the name of the High School Ministry. When students come to Club ROCK, we want it to be a place where they are safe to find out about God's incredible love for them and free to express their faith in God. Club ROCK meets on Wednesday nights from 7 to 9pm to study and discuss God's Word.

High School Growth Groups meet on Sundays in the Youth Room from 9:15 to 10:15am before students head to the 10:45am service. They are led by one or more of our Club ROCK adult staff and are open for any high school student to join.

Throughout the year we have several retreats and trips including a back-to-school retreat, winter retreat, and the bi-annual student conference called Challenge. You'll also find the students planning service projects, game nights, and casual get-togethers.

Plant Sale 
Our plant sale is a great way for students to make money for summer trips! If you don't select a student, the plant sale proceeds will be used to support the summer trip to Challenge Conference.
Order Form
Plant Photos 
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Shop with Raise Right (formerly Scrip)
We partner with Raise Right to help with fundraising throughout the year. Purchase gift cards for companies that you use frequently anyway and make a percentage back on each purchase. Click here for details.