Ministry Leaders Resource

Thank you so much for leading a ministry team! Ministry can not happen without people like you who are willing to put time and effort into organizing and making events happen! We have lots of resources to support you and your ministry. This page is to help you navigate the resources here at VCB.  

Staff Contact

Each ministry at VCB has a member of staff who is dedicated to your ministry. Please see the list below for your staff person. If you have any questions or would like to talk to someone on staff please reach out to your staff contact person first. 
Growth Groups - Calvin Dinkins
AWANA - Amy Netzel
Village In Action - Rod Elliott
Missions - Rod Elliott
Deacons and Elders - Rod Elliott
Prime Timers - Calvin Dinkins

Communication Form

Our church has 5 main methods of communicating information.  

1. Bulletin,
2. Weekly E-News Email,
3. Graphics displayed before the services and around the building,
4. Website,
5. VCB News video (limited spots available)

Each of these has different text needs and requirements. All the instructions are on the Communication Request Form available here or under Other Resources on the website.  This resource is great since it has all forms of communication at once, and it gives the information to the right people on staff saving you many rounds of emails.

Database Access

We have 2 databases. The church directory has information provided by members and regular attenders and can be found here. It is a great recourse if you are trying to look up an individual's phone number or address. We also have a database called ChurchTeams. Churchteams allows for group communication and organization. If you would like access to Churchteams, please contact your Staff Contact. You can be set up with registrations or a group that will make contacting people in your ministry easier. 


If you make a purchase for the church you can be reimbursed. There is a green form in the mail room in the mailboxes under the counter called CHECK REQUISITION. It is the fastest way to be reimbursed. You should fill out the top, (name, address, description of item/event, and amount. Then sign the bottom left where it says (signed) / (date). Leave the form in your Staff Contact's Mailbox. They will sign the Authorization and put in the appropriate account number.  The church bookkeeper will write a check to you and mail it to you unless otherwise noted.

Purchases made by the church or you as ministry leaders of the church should be tax exempt. If you are going to be reimbursed for the purchase, you can use the church's tax exempt certificate when you make the purchase. Most businesses allow you to hand it to the cashier when you are checking out and they can easily make the purchase tax exempt.  Tax exempt certificates are also in the mailroom next to the copier. 

Room Reservations

VCB has many great rooms that are available to use! There is a building usage request available in the other resources tab on the church website.  You can request classrooms or larger meeting spaces. When you make a request, office staff will use the facilities calendar to find the best room and get your event on the schedule. When your event is on the calendar you will also be messaged a building access code for your event. It is your responsibility to give the code to all guests who are attending the event or to have a greeter at the doors. Please do not prop doors open. 


If you have a page on the VCB website, it is your responsibility to keep the information up to date. Please email with any changes that should be made to the site. It is the best if you write out the text fully so it is ready to be copied and pasted into the site.