Serving In Our Church 

Many people volunteer their time to help weekend services run smoothly. We have volunteers who greet visitors each Sunday. We have a facilities team that works to maintain our building. We have a tech team that runs the sound and lighting for services. We have a choir that blesses us with their beautiful voices. There are so many opportunities to serve our church body! Fill out the form below or contact church office!

Let's work together.

We'd love to serve with you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Serving Descriptions: 
Greeter - Welcome our church family and guests before our weekend services, Saturday night or Sunday morning. Arrive 20 minutes prior to service to pray with ushers and be in position to greet. One month on and 2 months off, and some special occasions.
Usher - Pass out bulletins, seat guests, and collect offerings during weekend services. Arrive 20 minutes before service to pray with the greeters and be in position. One month on, 2 months off, and some special occasions.
Tech Team - Lyrics volunteer is responsible for running the computer that displays the words on the front and back screen. Scheduled approximately once a month.
Donut Pickup - Donuts are pre-ordered and ready at Jewel by 7am Sunday. Donuts are to be dropped off in the church kitchen by 8:15am Sunday. This has a once a month rotation.
Hospitality Clean Up - Break down and clean hospitality area after Sunday service. Once a month rotation
Prayer Team - Pray at church after a weekend service for the individual prayer requests that are written on the attendance cards. Once a month rotation.
General Office Help - Bulletin stuffing on Fridays, answering phones when receptionist is on vacation, printing flyers, preparing Welcome bags for visitors, etc. Weekly, monthly, or as needed basis.
Hospitality Set Up - Prepare and set out coffee, snacks, and condiments prior to Saturday night or Sunday service. *Saturday night hospitality team sets up and cleans up* Once a month rotation.
Special Event Hospitality - Set up and clean up for special events such as Membership Class, Newcomer Reception, etc. Supplies are purchased for you. Commitment is as needed.
Facilities Team - Every second and fourth Monday this team does general repair on the building.
Children's Ministries - Check out the Children's Ministry page also!